It’s the holiday season, and we’re helping you keep your utility bill low with three recipes that use little to no energy. Whether you are hosting or going to someone else’s home, we have three perfect (and delicious) recipes for any occasion. Cheers to easy and stress-free holidays!
There are certain indisputable truths every Minnesotan accepts: winters are freezing, summers can be sweltering, and heating and cooling costs can be a major line item in our household budgets. Luckily, modern technologies are now making it possible to stay comfortable in all seasons while using only a fraction of the energy of conventional heating and air conditioning—yes, even in Minnesota.
Topics: Sustainability, Energy-Saving, Homeowner
Noticing anything new about our website? Our new site will help you fully understand how to properly maximize your energy-efficiency opportunities and the offers rebates available from your cooperative.
Snow is a given during Minnesota winters. It’s a part of life, and we’re all used to it. In fact, many of us even love it! As accustomed as we all are to living in our winter wonderland, it’s important to remember how to stay safe when the snow starts to pile up.
We believe in promoting an energy-efficient today and tomorrow, so here are five ways you can up your energy-efficiency game in the new year.
Topics: Sustainability, Energy-Saving, Resolution, New Year
It can be difficult to decide what gifts to buy during the holidays, so we have some energy-efficient suggestions for everyone on your list. (Bonus points if you wrap them in newspaper or sustainable wrapping products!)
Topics: online store, Sustainability, Holiday, Energy-Saving, Gifts
We’re here to help you stay on budget during the holidays, so you can have extra money to spend on things you really want. Follow these simple tips and you may notice a decrease in your monthly utility bill.
Topics: Sustainability, Holiday, Energy-Saving, Black Friday, Cyber Monday
The open road is calling, and it can be difficult to say no when you think of the rewarding, memorable trip that could lie ahead. But that adventure can be slightly more challenging when you want to take an electric vehicle (EV). Here are some tips and tricks to make the journey a little smoother.
Topics: Sustainability, Electric Vehicles, Road Trip
The annual Minnesota State Fair is here, and you can probably already smell the scent of fried foods wafting through the air, see the flashing lights on the revolving Ferris wheel and hear the laughter emanating from happy attendees.
Topics: Minnesota State Fair, Sustainability
With heating and cooling accounting for some of the largest expenses for homeowners, it makes sense for your space to be equipped with one high-efficiency appliance to keep costs low.